Brown Seaweed Alingate
Seaweeds are virtually fat-free, very low calorie and the richest sources of minerals in the vegetable kingdom. Because they grow in the sea, seaweeds naturally absorb an abundance of the minerals found in the ocean. Sea vegetables contain a significant amount of calcium, and phosphorous. They are extremely high in magnesium, iron, iodine and sodium.
Why Brown Seaweed is Good for You
Supplementing with a derivative of brown seaweed known as fucoxanthin resulted in weight loss among obese participants of a study published in the January 2010 issue of the journal "Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism." In the study, 16 weeks of supplementation with a commercial product that combines fucoxanthin with pomegranate seed oil resulted in an average loss of 7.7 pounds and increased resting metabolic rate. Fat deposits in the liver also decreased, and liver function tests improved with the brown seaweed extract. Researchers concluded that fucoxanthin might offer potential as a natural weight management supplement.
Fucoxanthin has alleged fat-burning properties; it helps the body shed the fat surrounding the heart and internal organs, which could contribute to reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Brown seaweed boosts the immune system, helps to decrease high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. It helps those who are overweight by improving the function of the gastro - intestinal tract.
Where Does Brown Seaweed Originate?
Most varieties of Brown Seaweed grow in the Northern Hemisphere in cold waters. They are part of a group of marine algae. The most well known of this type is Bladderwrack, most commonly referred to as kelp. Brown seaweeds appear very plant like and are a fair amount larger in size than green seaweeds which also tend to be eaten but have not been explicitly linked to weight loss. Seaweed itself is a sea vegetable and as such can be eaten with little preparation. The extract usually found in diet supplements, however, is either ground or liquidised into capsule form.
Brown seaweed, in particular, has been known to have many positive effects on the body and has sometimes been made into drinks and soups to treat numerous illnesses. Many people believe that it is good for detoxing the body and it is sold all over the world both as a supplement and as a food source.
The Main Types of Seaweed To Look For
Two types of brown seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus (also known as bladderwrack) and Laminaria japonica, are sometimes used in traditional medicine systems to treat various health conditions. Both seaweeds contain iodine (a trace mineral needed for the proper metabolism of cells) and fucoidan (a substance thought to possess immune-stimulating properties).
Bladderwrack is a form of kelp that has been used medicinally for centuries. The main use of the herb has been for the stimulation of the thyroid gland as a treatment for obesity and cellulite. The high iodine content of the herb stimulates thyroid function which boosts metabolism. Which makes this the number one supplement to take for losing weight.